
More information about VOTE NO!

Please help defeat the MCS Referendum in November!
Most importantly, be sure to VOTE! (A list of the Voting Centers is attached)
By now, most should be aware that both the Muncie Community School Administration and now apparently the League of Women Voters are promoting the Muncie Community School Referendum to raise the MCS Bus Fund levy by 267% with fallacious fear mongering.

The voters need to be informed with the facts.

MCS currently has a current Bus levy that produces 33% more revenue as what they currently pay for their bus transportation. MCS receives $3.7 million per year in local property taxes for the transportation fund and pays about $2.5 million per year for bus transportation. A $1.2 million surplus. They now want to raise that tax revenue to over $9.5 million per year under the threat of the safety and welfare of your children......that is simply despicable.

The "minimal tax amounts" to the taxpayers that the Muncie Community Schools are exhalting in support of their efforts to add this additional tax will ONLY apply to RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY OWNERS and utilizing all available deductions which, in actuality represents only a very small number of the Muncie Community School households.

Both the MCS Administration and the League of Women Voters are trying to augment their postures and arguments in support of the tax increase on the basis that we have an extremely high poverty rate in the MCS district and that nearly 75% of the children attending MCS are on free or reduced lunches. It's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to recognize that the majority of those poverty-stricken and low-income families DO NOT OWN the homes that they reside in and will, in fact, be most negatively impacted by the tax increase! The taxes on the homes that they occupy and pay rent on will increase between $200 and $400 annually ($1,400.00 to $2,800.00 over the course of the tax period) and most assuredly that additional cost will be passed on to them by way of increased rents. So, if you're a residential homeowner protected by those precious cost-saving deductions and are inclined to vote in favor of the Referendum because the cost to you is minimal, then just be reminded that you do so at the expense of the most vulnerable in our community!

What Muncie Community Schools is really doing with this additional tax referendum is making one last-ditch effort to pick the pockets of the local taxpayers in lieu of making the tougher decisions regarding consolidations and cost cutting that they should have done years ago. They are blaming the property tax caps for their problems, yet the tax caps have been implements for over 4 years! If the Muncie Community Schools can't come to terms with their bloated budget after 4 years of tax caps, then they certainly shouldn't be rewarded with additional tax revenues. There's good reason why the Muncie Community Schools don't want to make any tough decisions regarding school closings and consolidations BEFORE the election. They want YOU to bail them out!
Over the course of the years, and directly in the face of over 12,000 good paying jobs leaving our community and the declining enrollment of their school corporation to the extent that it is only about 1/3 of what it was at its peak, MCS has continued to pour nearly $100 million in total costs associated with sustaining the status quo. Now the chickens have come home to roost and it's not the taxpayers fault, nor the taxpayer’s responsibility to bail them out.
Voters beware and don't let anybody fool you, if this Referendum fails as it rightfully should, and the Muncie Community Schools moves forward with suspending bus transportation for our children, it's not because the money isn't there. It's because they feel that there are more important things like Administrator's pay and benefits as well as keeping half-filled schools open rather than bus your children to and from their school. That decision, if it occurs, would be reprehensible.

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