
September 19th Meeting Minutes

Call to Order - 7:00pm
16 Member Present and 1 Guest
Introduction of Officers
Introduction of Members
Introduction of the Speaker: John Spafford from the National Tenant Network. John explained to us the necessity of checking credit and back ground on potential Tenants. He showed us how to read a credit report and if the potential tenant is found to be not acceptable NTN will issue a letter back to us that we can send to the Potential Tenant explaing why we are not going to be able to rent to them and at that time they can call or wrote NTN for the reasons why. Another thing is the registry. We can input all of are past and present Tenants and if we do a check on them and one of the other Member of NTN have had this Tenant it will tells us when they lived in that property and how they left. Good information to know.
July's Meeting Minutes are in the Newsletter.
Treasurers Report was given by me because JoAnn was unable to be at the meeting.
Do we want to stay at an every other month meeting or do we want to go back to every month. It was said that if you miss a meeting than you would be missing 3 months but everyone seemed to enjoy the every other month. It has been decided to keep the every other month for another year. We are going to stay in the small room. It suits us. We have had good speakers this year and I expect next year to be the same.
November is election of officers. I know that at this time of the year it is easier to just sit back and let someone else do it but our association as been around for a long time. Including the Apartment Assoc. I would say over 30 years. I have been a member for 13 years. The officers seem to be the same people each year with a suffle every now and then. Maybe this is the year you want to become more involved. Any of the offices are eacy to do. If you do not like talking in front of people then the President position might be a little difficult but just think you know everyone there most of the time. We all talk to each other before the meeting. Think about it. I would be happy to show any one willing to try how to do it.
December is our Christmas Party. The Invitation will be in this newsletter. Please get back to me asap letting me know that you will be coming.
Adjourned the meeting at 8:30pm

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